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<object classid="clsid<img src="http://theme.webme.com/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif" border="0">27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0" width="750" height="600"><br /><param name="movie" value="http://oyun.minikperi.net/oyunlar/zeka_oyunlari/varmi.swf"><br /><br /><param name="quality" value="high"><embed src="http://oyun.minikperi.net/oyunlar/zeka_oyunlari/varmi.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="750" height="600"></embed></object>
Yılan oyunu kodu
20.06.2008 20:13:19
[alıntı yap]
<script type="text/javascript"><br /> <br /> <br /> function cbsnake(){<br /> <br /> //Pixels to move at once<br /> this.jump = 8;<br /> //Size of snake. Make this one less than jump. Doesn't have to be,but adds good effect<br /> this.sos = 7;<br /> //Size of board<br /> //DANGER!!! this.sofb must be EVENLY dividable by this.jump DANGER!!!!<br /> this.sofb = 400;<br /> //Set things up<br /> this.daway = this.sofb - this.jump;<br /> this.correct = new Array();<br /> this.correct[0] = 0;<br /> while(this.correct[this.correct.length -1] != this.daway){<br /> this.correct[this.correct.length] = this.correct[this.correct.length -1]+this.jump<br /> }<br /> this.zero = 0;<br /> var gameboard = ' <div class="board" id="board"> <div id="i2">Basit bir yılan oyunu oyuna başlamak için bir seviye seçin. </div> </div><div class="board" id="score"> <span id="cscore">0</span> <span id="buttons"> <button type="button" id="yavaş" onClick="snake.slow()">yavaş</button> <button type="button" id="medium" onClick="snake.medium()">orta</button> <button type="button" id="fast" onClick="snake.fast()">hızlı</button> </span></div>';<br /> document.write(gameboard);<br /> }<br /> <br /> cbsnake.prototype.setup = function(setspeed){<br /> var thisObj = this;<br /> //Score...<br /> this.score = 0;<br /> //Snake Direction<br /> this.sdir = 'none';<br /> this.sdirb = 'none'; <br /> this.sdirp = 'none';<br /> //Snake arrays<br /> this.ctop = new Array();<br /> this.cleft = new Array();<br /> //Top of snake class<br /> this.ctop[0] = 200;<br /> this.ctop[1] = -8;<br /> //Left of Snake class<br /> this.cleft[0] = 200;<br /> this.cleft[1] = -8;<br /> //current top of apple<br /> this.atop = 0;<br /> //current left of apple<br /> this.aleft = 0;<br /> //Milliseconds between move<br /> this.speed = setspeed;<br /> document.getElementById('board').innerHTML = '<div id="apple"></div><div id="snake0" class="snake"></div><div id="snake1" class="snake"></div>';<br /> this.moveapple();<br /> this.stopgame = false;<br /> setTimeout(function(){ thisObj.msnake() },this.speed);<br /> document.onkeydown = function(e){ return thisObj.snakedir(e); };<br /> }<br /> cbsnake.prototype.slow = function(){<br /> this.setup(100);<br /> this.buttons('true');<br /> document.getElementById('slow').blur();<br /> }<br /> cbsnake.prototype.medium = function(){<br /> this.setup(70);<br /> this.buttons('true');<br /> document.getElementById('medium').blur();<br /> }<br /> cbsnake.prototype.fast = function(){<br /> this.setup(30);<br /> this.buttons('true');<br /> document.getElementById('fast').blur();<br /> }<br /> cbsnake.prototype.rannum = function(num1,num2){<br /> num1 = parseInt(num1);<br /> num2 = parseInt(num2);<br /> var generator = Math.random()*(Math.abs(num2-num1));<br /> generator = Math.round(num1+generator);<br /> return generator;<br /> }<br /> cbsnake.prototype.moveapple = function(){<br /> var usethis = false;<br /> while(!usethis){<br /> this.atop = this.correct[this.rannum(0,this.correct.length-1)];<br /> this.aleft = this.correct[this.rannum(0,this.correct.length-1)];<br /> if(this.numInArray(this.ctop,this.cleft,this.atop,this.aleft) == 0){<br /> usethis = true;<br /> } <br /> }<br /> document.getElementById('apple').style.top = this.atop+"px";<br /> document.getElementById('apple').style.left = this.aleft+"px";<br /> }<br /> cbsnake.prototype.snakedir = function(e){ <br /> if(!e){<br /> //IE...<br /> e = window.event;<br /> }<br /> switch(e.keyCode){<br /> case 38:<br /> if(this.sdir != 'down' && this.sdirp != 'down'){<br /> this.sdirb = 'up';<br /> this.sdirp = 'up';<br /> }<br /> break;<br /> case 40:<br /> if(this.sdir != 'up' && this.sdirp != 'up'){<br /> this.sdirb = 'down';<br /> this.sdirp = 'down';<br /> }<br /> break;<br /> case 37:<br /> if(this.sdir != 'right' && this.sdirp != 'right'){<br /> this.sdirb = 'left';<br /> this.sdirp = 'left';<br /> }<br /> break;<br /> case 39:<br /> if(this.sdir != 'left' && this.sdirp != 'left'){<br /> this.sdirb = 'right';<br /> this.sdirp = 'right';<br /> }<br /> break;<br /> case 32:<br /> if(this.sdir == 'none' && this.sdirp != 'none'){<br /> this.sdirb = this.sdirp;<br /> this.sdirp = 'none';<br /> }<br /> else{<br /> this.sdirp = this.sdir;<br /> this.sdirb = 'none';<br /> }<br /> break;<br /> }<br /> return this.stopgame;<br /> <br /> }<br /> cbsnake.prototype.msnake = function(){<br /> if(this.stopgame === false){<br /> if(this.sdir != 'none'){<br /> this.moveall();<br /> }<br /> var thisObj = this;<br /> switch(this.sdir){<br /> case 'up':<br /> this.ctop[0] = this.ctop[0] - this.jump;<br /> document.getElementById('snake0').style.top = this.ctop[0]+"px";<br /> if((this.ctop[0] == this.zero && this.sdirb == 'up') || this.ctop[0] < this.zero){<br /> this.gover();<br /> }<br /> break;<br /> case 'down':<br /> this.ctop[0] = this.ctop[0] + this.jump;<br /> document.getElementById('snake0').style.top = this.ctop[0]+"px";<br /> if((this.ctop[0] == this.daway && this.sdirb == 'down') || this.ctop[0] > this.daway){<br /> this.gover();<br /> }<br /> break;<br /> case 'left':<br /> this.cleft[0] = this.cleft[0] - this.jump;<br /> document.getElementById('snake0').style.left = this.cleft[0]+"px";<br /> if((this.cleft[0] == this.zero && this.sdirb == 'left') || this.cleft[0] < this.zero){<br /> this.gover();<br /> }<br /> break;<br /> case 'right':<br /> this.cleft[0] = this.cleft[0] + this.jump;<br /> document.getElementById('snake0').style.left = this.cleft[0]+"px";<br /> if((this.cleft[0] == this.daway && this.sdirb == 'right') || this.cleft[0] > this.daway){<br /> this.gover();<br /> }<br /> break;<br /> }<br /> if(this.sdir != 'none'){<br /> this.hitself();<br /> this.happle();<br /> }<br /> this.sdir = this.sdirb<br /> setTimeout(function(){ thisObj.msnake() },this.speed);<br /> }<br /> }<br /> cbsnake.prototype.gover = function(){<br /> if(!this.stopgame){<br /> this.stopgame = true;<br /> var inner = document.getElementById('board').innerHTML;<br /> document.getElementById('board').innerHTML = inner+'<div id="notice">oyun bitti senin puanın '+this.score+'</div><div id="i2">Yılan oyununu <a href="http://htmlkod.tr.gg">sitene ekle</a></div>';<br /> document.getElementById('apple').style.backgroundColor = '#D7BEBE';<br /> for(i=0;i<this.cleft.length;i++){<br /> document.getElementById('snake'+i).style.backgroundColor = '#BEBEBE';<br /> }<br /> this.buttons('');<br /> }<br /> }<br /> cbsnake.prototype.happle = function(){<br /> if(this.atop == this.ctop[0] && this.aleft == this.cleft[0]){<br /> //HIT!!!<br /> this.score++;<br /> document.getElementById('cscore').innerHTML = this.score;<br /> this.moveapple();<br /> this.addsnake();<br /> }<br /> }<br /> cbsnake.prototype.addsnake = function(){<br /> var newsnake = document.createElement('div');<br /> var newid = 'snake'+this.cleft.length;<br /> newsnake.setAttribute('id',newid);<br /> //this crap is for IE. I would rather add the class name.<br /> newsnake.style.position = 'absolute';<br /> newsnake.style.top = '-10px';<br /> newsnake.style.left = '-10px';<br /> newsnake.style.display = 'none';<br /> newsnake.style.backgroundColor = 'black';<br /> newsnake.style.height = '7px';<br /> newsnake.style.width = '7px';<br /> newsnake.style.overflow = 'hidden';<br /> document.getElementById('board').appendChild(newsnake);<br /> this.cleft[this.cleft.length] = -10;<br /> this.ctop[this.ctop.length] = -10;<br /> }<br /> cbsnake.prototype.moveall = function(){<br /> var i = this.ctop.length - 1;<br /> while(i != 0){<br /> document.getElementById('snake'+i).style.top = document.getElementById('snake'+(i-1)).style.top;<br /> document.getElementById('snake'+i).style.left = document.getElementById('snake'+(i-1)).style.left;<br /> document.getElementById('snake'+i).style.display = 'block';<br /> this.ctop[i] = this.ctop[i-1];<br /> this.cleft[i] = this.cleft[i-1];<br /> i = i - 1;<br /> }<br /> }<br /> cbsnake.prototype.numInArray = function(array,array2,value,value2){<br /> var n = 0;<br /> for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++) {<br /> if (array[i] === value && array2[i] === value2) {<br /> n++;<br /> }<br /> }<br /> return n;<br /> }<br /> cbsnake.prototype.hitself = function(){<br /> if(this.numInArray(this.ctop,this.cleft,this.ctop[0],this.cleft[0]) > 1){<br /> this.gover();<br /> }<br /> }<br /> cbsnake.prototype.buttons = function(setto){<br /> document.getElementById('slow').disabled = setto;<br /> document.getElementById('medium').disabled = setto;<br /> document.getElementById('fast').disabled = setto;<br /> }<br /> </script> <style type="text/css"> .board{ width: 399px; background-color: lightgrey; border: 1px solid gray; position: relative; margin-left: 0; margin-top: 0; } #board{ height: 399px; border-bottom: 0px; } #apple{ position: absolute; background-color: red; height: 7px; width: 7px; overflow: hidden; } .snake{ position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 200px; background-color: black; height: 7px; width: 7px; overflow: hidden; } .snake2{ position: absolute; top: -10px; left: -10px; background-color: black; height: 7px; width: 7px; overflow: hidden; } #score{ height: 50px; margin-top: 0px; } #cscore{ color: black; padding-left: 10px; float: left; width: 25%; font-size: xx-large; } #buttons{ float: right; width: 50%; text-align: right; padding-top: 10px; } #notice{ position: absolute; top: 1em; left: 1em; right: 1em; text-align: center; font-size: 150%; } #i2{ position: absolute; bottom: 1em; left: 1em; right: 1em; text-align: center; font-size: 95%; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"><br /> var snake = new cbsnake();<br /> </script>
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